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  • Top Tier Law Firm
  • Medical Negligence
  • Inquest Law
  • Court of Protection

Court of Protection Case Studies


Case Study 6

Susan is mum to Grace who is now 12 years old.  Grace has severe cerebral palsy causing her learning difficulties and physical disabilities.  Grace needs 24/7 care.  After Grace was born her father left the family home leaving Susan to...

Case Study 5

Paul is an adult who has cerebral palsy causing him severe disabilities.  He lives with mum and dad.  When Paul was in his early 20s great news came.  He was to receive compensation for the medical negligence at his birth which caused his...

Case Study 4

Following a successful clinical negligence claim, Julia Morrill was appointed as Professional Deputy on behalf of a child who suffered from significant brain injury and hearing loss.  The child was a member of a dysfunctional family. Julia had to assist...

Case Study 3

Following a successful clinical negligence claim on behalf of a severely brain injured child, a full 24/7 package was instigated together with the purchase and adaption of a suitable property.   The case required sensitive handling by an...

Case study 2

Julia Morrill was brought on board due to her experience as a clinical negligence lawyer and Professional Deputy. Julia was highly recommended by the QC handling the civil claim on behalf of the youth. The solicitors conducting the civil claim were less...

Case study 1

Julia Morrill was instructed as Deputy on behalf of a child under the care of the local authority whose mother had previously been in the care of the local authority, who had the benefit of a successful clinical negligence claim which is not yet...