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Surgical Error Case Studies


Cystoscopy Damages Urethra

J underwent a TVT procedure to deal with her symptoms of urgency and stress incontinence. During the procedure the surgeon damaged the urethra and it became apparent that he applied excessive force as a result of which J developed significant incontinence...

Dr Bailey (named changed to protect confidentiality)

Associate Solicitor Guy Pomphrey secured £50,000 compensation for an Accident and Emergency doctor injured as a result of a surgical error at Hospital. The Facts Dr Bailey suffered from discomfort in his lower abdomen and groin.  He was...

Face & Neck Lift Scarring

M underwent plastic surgery namely a face and neck lift.  However, following the surgery, it became apparent that she had scarring in front of and behind her ears.  The scarring could not be hidden and in fact M started to wear wigs to hide the...

Gall Bladder Removal Complications

C underwent surgery to remove her gall bladder but unfortunately a substandard surgical technique was used which resulted in the division of the bile duct.  Further there was a failure to recognise and treat the injury to the bile duct which was not...

Infection Following Gastric Band Operation

E underwent a gastric band insertion. Unfortunately, E suffered with a lot of problems thereafter to include an incisional abscess. Months passed before an ultrasound was arranged but before any further surgery could be performed the abscess ruptured and...

Scarring Following Breast Reduction Operation

Unfortunately, our client ended up with significant scarring and the scarring required revision which was not anticipated or envisaged following the breast reduction operation. This resulted in a loss of confidence for our client as well as suffering...