Court of Protection - Managing Finances
Minton Morrill is unusual in that it has a dedicated Court of Protection team of caring, compassionate and skilled individuals who have an expert understanding of the needs of clients and their families.
This expert team is headed by Julia Morrill, a nationally-recognised expert solicitor with over 25 years’ experience in supporting vulnerable people; particularly those with a mental incapacity, their families and their advisors.
She is a specialist professional deputy, appointed by the Court of Protection to manage the affairs of people who have lost the capacity to do this for themselves. Professional deputies are appointed by the courts, where there is no one closer to the client who is able to act as deputy.
We look after all the day-to-day legal and financial needs and keep in regular contact with the client, family, carers and care professionals, including home visits.
We work within the framework of the Mental Capacity Act to ensure that clients who lack capacity are empowered to make as many decisions for themselves as possible and that any decision made on their behalf is in their best interests.
Our services to clients include:
- ensuring that compensation awards are invested in managed accounts to provide maximum, long-term benefit requirements, in conjunction with specialist investment advisors
- managing bank accounts including regular payments, insurance policies and payments of care costs and salaries
- ensuring that appropriate benefits are preserved and claimed
- employment of support staff, including dealing with all contract payroll and employment law issues as they may arise
- major purchases or costs including house purchase and specialist adaptations
- specialist legal advice including wills and applications to the court
Much of the professional deputyship work is referred to us from other legal advisers and clients whose personal injury or medical negligence claim is ongoing or concluded. We also have experience in dealing with criminal injuries compensation trusts in which field work is often referred to us from other legal advisors and local authorities.
We can assist with a number of different issues, including:
- the appointment of deputy or acting as the deputy
- lasting powers of attorney or enduring powers of attorney
- statutory wills and trusts
- personal injury trusts