Simon Minton
Simon is the Senior Director. He is listed in the Legal 500 Hall of Fame and recommended in Legal 500 as a Leading Lawyer in the Yorkshire and Humber region. He is also a notable practitioner in the Chambers & Partners Directory. He is on the Referral Panel of Action for Victims of Medical Accidents (AvMA). He is on the Solicitors Regulation Authority Clinical Negligence Panel.
He has extensive experience of handling very high-value multi million pound complex clinical negligence claims, particularly relating to cerebral palsy, meningitis and erb’s palsy.
Simon has recently been involved in a significant number of high-value claims where the net damages recovered on a capitalised basis have exceeded £5m. During the course of the last 12 months the practice has been involved in five cases which settled shortly before trial and on a capitalised basis one birth-related claim settled for in excess of £7m and another has settled for a figure close to £6m. During this period, in relation to four other cases in which clients have sustained severe brain injury, admissions of liability have been secured in relation to which it is expected that each will recover substantial damages (each exceeding £3m).
Trained Arnold Gilbert & Karsberg; qualified 1981; partner Teeman Levine 1984-87; partner Simon Minton & Co 1987; partner David Yablon Minton Ellis 1988-98; Senior Director Mintons Solicitors 1998 to date. Sits as part-time tribunal judge.
Leeds Grammar School; Leeds University (1978 Law 2(1)); Guildford Law College.
Since 1964 has been a fanatical Leeds United fan and season ticket holder. Also a keen follower of Yorkshire County Cricket. Enjoys tennis, golfing, boating.