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  • Top Tier Law Firm
  • Medical Negligence
  • Court of Protection

Permanent Vegetative State Following Dislodgement of Endotracheal Tube

S was in the critical care unit at a hospital and was intubated and ventilated. Whilst S was being moved, her endotracheal tube became dislodged and by the time the tube was inserted she ended up with a hypoxic brain injury which resulted in her being in a persistent vegetative state.

Our Approach 

During our investigations it became apparent that S was moved by two nurses only when the endotracheal tube became dislodged. It would appear that the nurses had made the decision that they would be able to move S safely without a third nurse.  As there was no nurse holding the endotracheal tube, it became dislodged.  The hospital had carried out their own serious untoward investigation which also found that there were delays in an ICU anaesthetist being summoned, equipment which was not working and delays in the anaesthetist intubating S.  The hospitals own enquiries concluded there was no training in place for maintaining the airway of an intubated patient and therefore not surprisingly when the case was eventually presented to the NHS Trust, they admitted fault and apologised to S and her family for the very distressing outcome and the devastating impact that this had on S and her family.

The Outcome

S and her family secured a substantial payment not only to assist S who was subsequently moved to a rehabilitation Nursing Home  but the compensation also allowed S’s family to live near the Nursing Home as well as allowing S’s husband and son seek the necessarily help and assistance which otherwise would have been provided by S”.

What the family say

I wish to express my sincere thanks to Sahida and the team at Mintons. I have received efficient, appropriate and clear legal advice throughout the process. I am pleased with everything from the first meeting to conclusion. I was well-informed of every step, either by telephone, email or letter. Remarkably, I was very happy with the experts Sahida had introduced to me. Sahida is very accessible, friendly, available, timely, always responsive and has an amazing ability to achieve the best outcome by acting in the client’s best interest. I recommend Mintons to every one."