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Inquest into the death of Leah Cambridge to commence on 15th July

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Before HM Senior Coroner for West Yorkshire (Eastern Division) Mr Kevin McLoughlin

Wakefield Coroner’s Court

Opening Monday 15 July 2019 – Expected to last three days

The Inquest into the death of 29 year old mother of three Leah Cambridge who died in Turkey whilst undergoing a procedure more commonly known as a “Brazilian Butt Lift” will commence on Monday 15 July 2019 at Wakefield Coroner’s Court before HM Senior Coroner Kevin McLoughlin.

Elite Aftercare the company who handled the arrangements for Leah to undergo this procedure in Turkey will be in attendance as an Interested Person to this Inquest.

To date Leah’s partner and mother have received very little documentation relating to Leah’s procedure including her medical records. The family had hoped that the Consultant in Turkey Ali Üçkan and the Turkish Minister for Health would assist HM Senior Coroner by providing all the information requested relating to Leah, the procedure and her death but are saddened and deeply disappointed to find that they are behaving in the obstructive way in which they are. It is also with great disappointment that these records have not been obtained and disclosed via Elite the company that Leah booked her procedure with.

The Turkish authorities have failed to cooperate so far with this Inquest investigation and the family are still hopeful that they will engage with the process prior to the inquest stating in two weeks.

Leah’s family want the following concerns to be addressed;

  1. The misleading information on Elite Aftercare’s website that suggests that the surgeons and hospital used for the procedures are employed directly by them;
  2. What steps were taken by Elite Aftercare to assess the competence and safe working practices followed in the hospital in Turkey and its Consultants given they are referring British citizens to them for these procedures;
  3. Whether the medical assessments of Leah conducted in the UK and on arrival in Turkey were adequate;
  4. Whether Leah was properly warned of the risks that the procedure carried, including to life;
  5. And most importantly what went wrong on the 27 August 2018 when Leah tragically lost her life

Leah’s Partner Scott Franks and family are represented at this Inquest by Gemma Vine of Leeds based Minton Morrill and Counsel Richard Paige of Park Square Barristers, Leeds.