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Delay in removing Retained Placenta causing Asherman's Syndrome (identity protected)

Sahida Patel, clinical negligence specialist, successfully settled a claim for a woman whose placenta was not completely removed following the birth of her baby which subsequently resulted in her developing Asherman’s Syndrome and infertility.

The Facts

Mrs P was discharged from Hospital following the birth of her first child by caesarean section. She felt dizzy and lethargic so returned to Hospital where an ultrasound scan showed retained placenta.  Despite this, Mrs P was discharged without any further treatment or follow up.  She assumed everything must be fine and that feeling unwell was likely as a result of the caesarean section and looking after her new born.

Mrs P returned to Hospital some months later.  A second ultrasound scan was performed that again showed retained placenta; however, by this stage it had become necrotic (with dead cells) and although it was removed it had caused Mrs P to suffer a prolonged infection leading to the development of Asherman’s Syndrome.

Mrs P was not able to have any further children as she had intended because of this which was devastating for her and her family.   Her diagnosis of Asherman’s Syndrome meant that she required further surgery and would need to have IVF to get pregnant again. 

Our Investigation

Expert medical evidence was obtained from a Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist as well as a Fertility medical expert. The Obstetrician concluded that the Hospital had failed to diagnose and act upon the retained placenta identified during Mrs P’s first ultrasound scan.  Had the retained placenta been correctly removed at this time then she would not have developed Asherman’s Syndrome.

Mrs P had suffered psychologically and was reluctant to undergo further treatment.

The claim was defended by the hospital’s solicitors with an alternative explanation for not acting upon the result of the first ultrasound scan. Despite this, with some perseverance, it was possible to resolve the claim and Mrs P accepted £30,000 which reflected the risk that if the case ultimately went to Court she may well lose.

Mrs P’s feedback

“Sahida, I would like to thank you and your team again for all your help over the last few years. I cannot express how much it has been appreciated by myself and family to be believed in and supported when times have been difficult for us.”

Why choose us to help?

Sahida Patel and the medical negligence lawyers at Minton Morrill only practise medical negligence law and have renowned expertise in birth injury claims.

More information about birth injury claims can be accessed by clicking here and information about our team of expert lawyers can be found here