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Brain Injury Case Studies


Permanent brain injury following early extubation after ventilation

Paul was admitted to hospital for surgery for heart disease. He was put on a ventilator to help him breathe overnight in the Intensive Care Unit following surgery. The following morning the ventilator was removed but Paul’s condition rapidly...

Second brain injury caused after improper supervision

Daniel, had already sustained a brain injury when he approached. He was admitted to hospital to undergo a bilateral cranioplasty from a brain injury rehabilitation unit but he was not appropriately supervised following the operation and fell down some...

Baby Left in Permanent Vegetative State Following Dislodgement of Endotracheal Tube

Sally was in the critical care unit at a hospital following the birth of her first child and was intubated and ventilated. Whilst she was being moved, her endotracheal tube became dislodged and by the time this was re-inserted she had suffered a hypoxic...

Further Brain Injury Following a Fall

P had already sustained a head injury. He was admitted to hospital to undergo a bilateral cranioplasty having been transferred to hospital from the brain injury rehabilitation unit.  Unfortunately, P was not appropriately supervised, he fell down some...

Permanent Vegetative State Following Dislodgement of Endotracheal Tube

S was in the critical care unit at a hospital and was intubated and ventilated. Whilst S was being moved, her endotracheal tube became dislodged and by the time the tube was inserted she ended up with a hypoxic brain injury which resulted in her being in a...

Quadriplegic Cerebral Palsy Following Asphyxiation

A was born in 1968. He sustained an acute near total asphyxia at the very end of his birth as a result of which he has suffered from quadriplegic cerebral palsy with learning and speech difficulties throughout his life.  His parents have devoted their...

T Lives with Mild Bilateral Dystonic Cerebral Palsy

T was born in 2005 and has mild bilateral dystonic cerebral palsy. During T’s birth there were delays in his delivery and with the final ventouse delivery process there was also a failure to treat maternal pyrexia and hyperstimulation. Although T...

N - Cerebral Palsy

N is a delightful boy who was born in 2005.  He was awarded compensation following a birth injury. The compensation has allowed N and his family to move into more suitable accommodation, they now have carers and his parents have been utterly devoted in...

Dystonic Cerebral Palsy

J was born in February 2003 and suffers from dystonic cerebral palsy. She has useful mobility but is clumsy and prone to falls.  She has significant use of her upper limbs but lacks fine control and dexterity.  Her speech is difficult to...

Cerebral Palsy following delayed caesarean section

Elliot was born in 2005. During Elliot's birth the hospital staff failed to monitor his heart rate adequately and by the time a decision was made to carry out an emergency caesarean section which in itself was delayed, Elliot ended up with permanent...

Twin suffers cerebral palsy following delayed delivery

The little girl in the picture who we will call O was born in 2005. O was a twin. Although there were no delays in delivering the first twin, tragically O as the second twin was delivered by urgent caesarean section much later than what should have occurred...

Child M suffered brain injury following cardiac arrest after a heart operation

Four year old M suffered brain damage when he was extubated prematurely after surgery related to his congenital heart disease. Following the extubation he quickly deteriorated and collapsed - his parents initially sought legal help from another law firm but...