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  • Top Tier Law Firm
  • Medical Negligence
  • Court of Protection

Failure to Diagnose Steptococcus Meningitis

Amie was born in 1987.  Following her birth and after her return home from hospital Amie was not feeding properly and concerns were raised by her mother to the midwife who attended her.   No appropriate action was taken. The following day Amie’s mother was still concerned about the feeding problem as Amie still appeared to be unwell and was lethargic but despite a visit by her GP no action was taken by the GP or the midwife who visited thereafter.

Eventually Amie was taken to hospital where she was diagnosed with streptococcus meningitis. Despite treatment Amie has been left with long lasting problems to include learning disabilities, abnormal behaviours and a significant hearing impairment.

The claim was vigorously defended by those representing the midwife’s and doctor. However, we were able to secure expert evidence which showed there was a valid claim to pursue and we were able to secure enough compensation for Amie which has helped her buy a suitable property and will enable her to lead an independent life. Her family are delighted in the knowledge that she is now financially secure. 

What Amie's family say:

Speaking as the parent of a child affected by medical negligence even considering launching a legal case to seek redress can be daunting, stressful, and very worrying. By sheer good fortune I appointed the expert services of Mintons who carefully guided us step by step through some very challenging and emotional times. Throughout our case, we were treated with the upmost respect, we were kept fully informed and had everything clearly explained to us  enabling us to be confident with the progress of the claim. I have no hesitation in recommending Mintons as a practice that operates ethically, with empathy for clients and a steely determination to secure the most just and favourable outcome that is available within the parameters of the legal justice system.