Cerebral Palsy Claims
Cerebral palsy is caused by damage to a baby's brain, which can occur before, during, or shortly after birth. This brain injury often is caused by oxygen deprivation, infections, or trauma during delivery. In our experience, these complications can be caused by umbilical cord tangling, prolonged labour and excess force used in forceps delivery, which caused lack of oxygen being supplied to the brain. These complications can be devastating, especially if they resulted from negligent care from medical professionals.
Understanding cerebral palsy compensation claims
If you or your child are living with cerebral palsy caused by sub-standard medical care, you may be entitled to substantial compensation through a cerebral palsy claim. Compensation can fluctuate between claims, however claims of this nature often exceed £1 million, and in severe cases, can reach up to £10 million or more. For example, our specialist team has recently handled a claim which settled for £17 million, due to the high level of disability and significant life changes of the child involved.
Why choose Minton Morrill for your cerebral palsy claim?
At Minton Morrill, we aim to simplify the birth injury claim process, providing support to families with the following services:
A free initial consultation to discuss your cerebral palsy compensation claim with no obligation
Receive close, personal support from a team who cares about you and your family
Benefit from decades of experience in cerebral palsy medical negligence cases.
A track record of millions of pounds in compensation secured for our clients
No win, no fee policy means you don’t have to worry about costs of your claim
Our lawyers hold clinical negligence accreditations from the Law Society and the AVMA gold standard.
Specialist solicitors with high rankings in leading client guides the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners
Reassurance with our skills in alternative dispute resolution. This means that most claims we handle are settled out of court.
Click here for examples of cerebral palsy case studies.
Book a free consultation today
Contact our cerebral palsy solicitors for a free consultation by calling 0113 345 2387 or completing our online enquiry form. We’ll get back to you within 48 hours.
Making a cerebral palsy claim
To make a cerebral palsy claim, it's essential to establish that sub-standard medical care caused injuries to you or your child. Our experienced cerebral palsy solicitors will thoroughly investigate the circumstances surrounding your child's birth and early care to determine if medical negligence was what caused avoidable injury.
Funding your claim
We offer no win, no fee arrangements, also known as Conditional Fee Agreements, so you don't need to worry about upfront costs.
Click here for further information about Medical Negligence funding.
Gathering evidence
Successful claims require detailed evidence, in previous cerebral palsy claims this has included medical records, witness statements and opinions from independent medical experts. This information is needed to help establish that medical negligence occurred and that this caused or worsened a case of cerebral palsy.
Calculating compensation
We will look carefully at the needs of our client and, with input from parents or carers and the assistance of independent experts, assess the needs of the child going forward.
We take all of this into account to understand what a fair compensation figure would be. These calculations also making sure our client has the necessary treatment and care to support them for the rest of their lives.
Settlement and court proceedings
Most cases are settled out of court, but, if necessary, we will represent you in court to secure the best possible outcome.
Why pursue a cerebral palsy claim?
Compensation can provide essential support and care for your child, ensuring they have the best possible quality of life. Also, we understand that our clients wish to obtain the truth about a medical error and ensure it doesn’t happen again, is one of the key objectives for pursuing cerebral palsy negligence claims. Doctors and hospitals rightly need to be held accountable to prevent the same mistakes from happening to someone else.
Additionally, a Court of Protection deputy may also be involved to manage the compensation money received for the benefit of the child. This again takes the burden away from the family (if they prefer) from this task.
Book a free consultation with our cerebral palsy solicitors
To discuss your case with our experienced team, call 0113 345 2387 or complete our online enquiry form. We're here to help.
Frequently asked questions about cerebral palsy claims
Can cerebral palsy be caused by medical negligence?
Yes, negligent medical care can lead to or worsen cerebral palsy. However, cerebral palsy is not always caused by medical negligence.
How long do I have to make a cerebral palsy claim?
A child with cerebral palsy can make a claim for compensation up until the age of 21 years old. If a person with cerebral palsy does not have the mental capacity to bring a claim, then there is no time limit for someone else to do so on their behalf.
Click here to read more about the time limits for cerebral palsy medical negligence cases.
What is cerebral palsy?
Cerebral palsy is a medical condition resulting in disorders of movement because of an injury to the brain. It is usually caused by problems at birth or by a severe infection.
Cerebral palsy is a condition that covers a wide range of symptoms stemming from an injury to a baby’s brain resulting in disorders in movement. Such an injury can, for example, affect muscle control and coordination, muscle tone, reflex, posture, and balance. Patients with cerebral palsy may also suffer from visual, hearing, and developmental problems with intellectual impairment. It is usually a permanent and lifelong disability that requires specialist medical treatment and care.
What are the different types of cerebral palsy?
There are several types of cerebral palsy, including:
Dyskinetic (athetoid)
Mixed type
Our Experience of Cerebral Palsy Claims
Medical Negligence lawyer Sahida Patel has secured approximately £17 million pounds for a child who suffers with cerebral palsy. The Facts “A” was born on 4 November 2006 and suffered grade 1 hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)...
Medical Negligence lawyer Sahida Patel secured over £14 million in compensation for a child who suffers with cerebral palsy as a result of NHS clinical negligence. The Facts The Claimant, born on 10 February 2006, was not breathing for the...
Medical Negligence lawyer Sahida Patel secured over £10 million in compensation for a child who suffered a brain injury at birth at a London NHS Hospital causing dyskinetic cerebral palsy. The Facts The Claimant was born on 3 July 2006 in a poor...